Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Writing from my last "Heavy Duty" chemo infusion.......

Well here I am today writing during my last heavy dose of chemo. I will still be getting the Herceptin infusion every 3 weeks until the end of July but that is a piece of cake compared to the full treatment. I will not have the bad taste, hair loss, puffiness, redness in my face or any other side effects I have mentioned, and it should only take about an hour instead of 4-5 hrs, yea!!!

I can't wait until I can start eating better and exercising more. With food not tasting well I tend to eat whatever appeals to me which has been ALOT of carbs.

I will be getting radiation also, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. I don't know exactly when that will be starting until I see the Dr. On January 5th.

I did get some of the Christmas shopping done but I have kids and a husband to help with that, then they can get my gift while they are out. I am also almost finished baking, two more treats left to bake, maybe it will be better to bake when it doesn't taste good less eating while baking (however they are mostly carbs). The decorating is done, I think I put out every decoration I have for Christmas. I must be making up for Halloween (I only put out 4 of 12 totes that I have) and Thanksgiving ( didn't decorate at all, unless you count the fall colored M&M's).

Today is going well. It seems to be going a little quicker than the last 5 treatments. Maybe my reward for finishing the treatments is getting done a little early.

I cannot believe how fast this seems to have gone. It doesn't seem like 5 months ago that I was diagnosed. I know I still have other treatments to go through but what I have heard from people that have gone through this process, both friends and strangers, I am just finishing the most intense part. I realize that each experience is different but it is nice to hear from those that have gone through it.

We will still be posting through all of my treatments but it may be farther between each post, just because the treatments may get monotonous. I will be posting the results of my genetic testing once I contact my family to let them know what I find out.

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