Monday, October 31, 2011

Beyond blueberries: 8 unexpected antioxidants

We had another lazy weekend. Denise underwent her 4th Chemo treatment last Wednesday so we know the weekend would be spent dealing with side effects. So far fatigue seems to be the only thing we are dealing with. She also decided to take a major step and shave what was left of her hair, so she is now bald as a cue ball. Looks good, but she says it’s a little chilly on her morning walks. While undergoing Chemotherapy we were advised not to delve into too many antioxidants, but I recently found another list I thought I would share.

When scientists first discovered the power of antioxidants to destroy cell-damaging free radicals, the hunt was on. They knew these preventers of cancer and heart disease were in colorful fruits and vegetables and nuts, but recently researchers have uncovered them in new, unexpected places. And that’s a good thing, because upping your antioxidant intake from as many sources as possible is more beneficial than getting them from just a few highly publicized foods. Don’t just eat blueberries every day and think you’re covered, when you eat a diverse diet, you get the entire spectrum of benefits they deliver.

1. Whole Grain Pasta

Whole grain versions of pasta (whole wheat should be listed as the first ingredient) have 3 times more antioxidants than enriched or refined varieties. Many epidemiological studies show that the consumption of whole grains can reduce the risk of heart disease. We used to think this was because of the fiber sweeping out the cholesterol, but it’s looking more like it’s the polyphenols’ positive effect on blood pressure and other markers of heart health that deserve the credit. The concentrations of antioxidants in whole grain flour used to make wheat pasta are comparable to those found in fruits and veggies.

2. Popcorn

Popcorn has 4 times more polyphenols—powerful cancer-fighting plant compounds—than the average amount found in fruits. When air-popped at home, it’s a 100 percent whole grain food, so it’s not a complete surprise that it’s packed with polyphenols.

3. Eggs

Eggs aren’t commonly considered a rich source of the antioxidant lutein (which protects your eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts) because they have low concentrations of it, relative to top sources such as spinach. However, the lutein in egg yolks is absorbed more effectively than that in spinach, possibly because the yolks’ fat helps our bodies process the antioxidant much better. So even though one egg has only about 5 percent of the lutein found in just 1/4 cup of spinach, we absorb it 3 times more effectively. Spinach and other leafy greens are still the best sources, but whole eggs are another easy way to get more lutein.

4. Canned Beans

A 2004 study conducted by the USDA found that certain varieties of dried beans contain high levels of antioxidants. Recent findings found that while all canned beans contain antioxidants, small red beans have the highest levels, followed closely by dark red kidney and black beans. In fact, darker canned beans have as much as 3 times more phytochemicals—plant compounds that wipe out free radicals to protect your cells and repair DNA damage—than white kidney and great Northern beans.

5. Yogurt

Love yogurt? You’ll love this stat: Just 1 cup of low-fat plain yogurt provides at least 25% of the daily value for riboflavin—the same that’s in 1 cup of boiled spinach. While not an antioxidant itself, riboflavin (a B vitamin) is critical in promoting antioxidant activity. Without it, the antioxidant glutathione—which is already in our cells—cannot destroy free radicals, which may lead to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Because riboflavin is water soluble, it remains in the body only a few hours and must be replenished daily. Yogurt does the trick.

6. Canola Oil

Heart-healthy canola oil (which is less expensive and milder tasting than olive oil) is rich in the antioxidant alphatocopherol (did I spell that right?) Just 1 tablespoon contains 16 percent of the DV. Alphatocopherol is one of eight antioxidants in vitamin E, which scientists have found keeps the fats in “bad” LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and forming free radicals, potentially leading to cardiovascular diseases and other chronic conditions. Turns out, though, we aren’t getting enough of this potent antioxidant. Close to one-third of women have low concentrations of alpha-tocopherol Easy fix: Use canola oil when baking or anytime you need a neutral-tasting oil for sautéing.

7. Organic Milk

Switch from regular milk to organic and you’ll be rewarded with a stronger dose of antioxidants, including vitamin E and the carotenoids beta-carotene and lutein. Antioxidants in milk from cows raised on organic or grass-fed diets are about 40 to 50 percent more concentrated than the milk from conventionally raised cows. These cows eat more grass, and the pasture itself provides more antioxidants than grain feeding even if the feed is augmented with supplements. If you’re not a frequent milk drinker, look for cheese and butter from grass-fed cows; they also offer more antioxidants than conventional varieties.

8. Natural Sweeteners

The average American consumes 130 g of added refined sugars each day. If you cut excess sugar and use natural sweeteners like molasses, honey, brown sugar, and maple syrup instead of refined whenever possible, you can add the equivalent of antioxidants from an extra serving of nuts or berries to your daily diet. Antioxidant content of several natural sweeteners found that molasses (particularly dark and blackstrap varieties) had the highest amounts. Honey, brown sugar, and maple syrup also contained significant levels of antioxidants. Studies have measured antioxidants in a variety of honeys and found that darker types tend to have significantly higher polyphenol counts. For example, buckwheat has an antioxidant level 8 times higher than clover, which is also outranked by sunflower and tupelo honeys.

So, there you have it. Once this Chemo thing is done, we’ll be trying more of these foods to stay on the straight and narrow.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Only 2 Chemo Treatments Left!!!

Well, I have 4 chemo treatments behind me and only two left. I am feeling fine today although it does take me a little longer to accomplish things already. This usually starts on Saturday after treatment so I think it is hitting me a little earlier with each treatment.

The kids decided it was time to get rid of what is left of my hair so I had it all cut off today. The stylist said I have a nice shaped head, who knew! I also went to the dentist and had my temporary crown put on my front tooth. I should have the permanent one in about two weeks.

Food doesn't taste good and I don't know when I am hungry. Not much different than the last 3 treatments. I am ready to take it easy this weekend. Maybe a movie and of course the Viking game on Sunday. It really is nice to PLAN to take it easy. I realize I don't do that enough!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Over The Top

Okay, I lied. I'm sorry. I'm writing about pinkification again so if it is really driving you crazy feel free to skip my blog today and read it again tomorrow. I was surfing this morning and came across a list of weird things that have been pinked. If you must buy pinked things, you might as well get something really weird... but check the fine print first.

Penguin Group Romance Novels- They have a Read Pink program and will donate $25,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. But I couldn't find how much of each purchase is part of the $25,000.... Maybe they are just making the donation and not taking a specific amount for each book. I can see the connection - romance novels are read by women... Not that bad an item.

Pink Ribbon Pasta from the Pasta Shoppe. 10% of each purchase goes to Komen... But I didn't see a maximum being donated. But pink pasta with red sauce might look yucky on your plate.

Pink Boxing gloves - 'A portion of each item goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation' - so what portion? Is there a maximum? Can I have a pair to take out my frustrations with my health and not hurt my hands if I get the desire to punch something?

Delta Sky Miles & Minute Maid Pink Lemonade - 10% of your membership fee goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. They also give you an opportunity to donate directly. And 100% of all sales of Minute Maid Pink Lemonade in October are going to the BCRF as well. What ever happened to free inflight beverages?

A car - I am not kidding on this one. You can get a Fiat 500 with a breast cancer ribbon decal. $1000 of each car purchase goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Again I did not see a maximum being donated.

Carry-on bag from Tumi - 20% of the $445 price (or $89) of a special multi color pink bag goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation during October.

Pink Ribbon Cable lock - It vaguely states that the manufacturer donates a portion of the purchase to the National Breast Cancer Foundation... I would skip this one. How much is being donated? Don't waste your $14.95 plus shipping.

9mm Hand Gun - Just because Smith & Wesson now makes a pink gun, does not turn me into a card carrying member of the NRA. They don't tell you how much is being donated... And its out of stock.

Magnetic hammer - I am not a tool person and am not sure why a hammer needs to be magnetic but a pink one? No thanks. I already have a pink tool set that has a pink hammer - that was given to me as a joke. (My husband refuses to use any of the tools in it.) This company has its own Pink for a Purpose fund which gives money to Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness and Anti-Domestic Violence funds as well as a pet care fund. But how much?

Swiffer Duster kit - but its out of stock....

Beer Pong Table - I didn't know they made beer pong tables never mind pinked ones. Since I am long since out of my party days..., I don't need one. I can see these in fraternity houses across the country. And its the official size of the World Series of Beer Pong and the Atlantic City Beer Pong Championship...$10 of each $139.95 price (on sale from $169.95) goes to breast cancer research... but what organization?

Skis from K2.... But they don't tell you how much or who it is etc.

Okay. Most of these are over the top. But if you must buy any of them, be sure you know how much of your money is going to what organization and if there is a maximum. Often companies set up these products and give a portion of your purchase to a non-profit up to a certain amount. After reaching the maximum, the portion becomes part of their profit. I promise to stop blogging about pinkification. I am so happy October is almost over.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Genetic testing: the tarot cards/palm readings of the 21st century

In the past, when people wanted to learn what might be in their future, they had their tea leaves, palms, crystal ball, tarot cards read. Now we can do one better and skip the hocus pocus by going straight to science with genetic testing. Give a few cells and get back a scientific yes or no of if you have that gene. The latest round of genetic testing publicly discussed is the longevity gene which joins dozens of others previously announced. If you have the longevity gene, you are predisposed to live to be 100... Well a 77% chance of that. You could still get hit by a bus tomorrow. Or if you chain smoke, you probably are lessening your odds as lifestyle factors still have an impact.

But also if you do not have the gene, it does not mean you won't live to be 100. You still could. The same could be said for any other genetic testing. If you have a specific gene, it does not mean that defines what will happen to you any more than what someone with a crystal ball said a generation ago. It simply means you are predisposed to that condition that was found to be determined by that gene. Our bodies have many more genes that could predispose us for the same or other conditions. Genetic testing still has a long way to go.

Once you find you have a specific gene, what do you do then? Just because you know you have a genetic predisposition for something, how do you use the knowledge to help you? Take the BRCA gene for example. Women with either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene have a higher predisposition to get breast and ovarian cancers. It doesn't mean they will get them, it means they are at higher risk of getting them. Many women who test positive for one of the two BRCA genes will choose to undergo prophylactic oopharectomies or mastectomies to remove the risk. They opt to have surgery just in case. This is for their piece of mind.

I'm not sure I want to know my future. I believe it will help give information to my kids and rest of the family by blood. I think I prefer taking each day as it comes. My grandmother lived a long life, so is longevity in my future? Maybe. But I've had cancer so does that tilt the scales the other way? Maybe I'll go get my palm read if I really ever want to know.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Way Of The Future

My non-medical opinion of cancer treatment is that there are a lot of assumptions built in. If you have a tumor,they should take it out. If they think you need chemotherapy, they guess at the dose based on your body weight. If you need radiation, they try to hit only where the tumor was, this is a change from hitting the entire area of the body. They assume you will respond as well as everyone else who had the same treatment protocol but realize that not everyone does and they don't necessarily understand why. It is realized that many cancer patients are either under treated or over treated because the medical field simply don't understand enough about cancer. And often the treatment is almost as bad as the disease - it causes significant short term (hair loss, nausea, etc.) and some long term side effects.

Surgery excises the tumor and the clump of cells. They hope chemotherapy will zap any remaining cancer cells in your body - but my non medical brain asks if chemotherapy zaps all cancer cells, why are there so many kinds of chemo if they zap all cancer cells? I feel that this goes back to the all cancers are the same theory that was disproved generations ago. One treatment does not fit all. Radiation tries to zap the cancer cells in a certain area - where they think they are. But it also damages the healthy cells and causes all kinds of burning. Some systemic treatments like Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors work for some women and not for others and are trying to make your body less attractive to hormone receptor cancer cells.

But none of these treatments focus on what I call the key questions:

- Where did these cancer cells come from? Why did they start mutating in the first place?
- Why was this part of the body more attractive to the cancer cells than others?
- What is the underlying cause of all of this?

Recently I read an article about the importance of the type of cancer not just its location, I was intrigued to say the least. I have also heard many times of the trend to personalized medicine. But now the next step is beginning to expand on these areas and actually take concrete steps to make changes.

Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have launched a massive study to test cancer patients' tumors for hundreds of genetic aberrations. The goal is to obtain a better understanding of the underpinnings of cancer and how to tailor patient's treatments. They want to have 10,000 patients each year to include in their study.

There was another program at Mass General in 2009 where they had scanned the genes of 50-60 patients tumor tissue and have identified 160 genes and 15 mutations. Their goal is to help guide treatment or to pave the way for new clinical trials. They are moving toward a broad genetic analysis of all cancer patient's tumors.

There are two issues here. They weren't talking about genetic markers but more of the type of tumor characteristics - hormone receptors, Her2/nu status, etc. However as cancer cells have damaged DNA, their genetic sequencing grows in importance.

I think this is the way of the future and how we will look at cancer as we move forward in both a way to find their cause and to find a cure.

Wednesday when I have Chemo, they will also be taking blood for the genetic testing. The results for the genetic testing will come back as one of the following three;
Positive - A mutation that is associated with an increased risk for hereditary cancer was identified.
Negative - A mutation was not identified.
Uncertain - A genetic change was detected but it is not known if this change is linked to cancer risk.
I should have results in about 3 weeks.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mammogram Controversy

More on the if we can't kill them, let's confuse them theory

So when should women start having mammograms. One theory is that annual mammograms lead to more false alarms and unnecessary biopsies. Then the opposing side says mammograms in younger women are essential as younger women are more likely to have their cancers found in early stage through mammograms than by self exam.

Hmmm.... so what is a smart woman to do? On one hand if you have mammograms you might have scares and unnecessary stress. On the other hand, your cancer is much more likely to be caught early thus allowing you to live a longer life. Me? I would opt for the longer life idea.

So if you are confused you are not alone. I think it is a giant conspiracy anyway. So if you have a nasty medical diagnosis, your doctors give all kinds of advice and expect you to make a rational decision while in the fog of 'OMG-I-have-cancer-and-gonna-die'. Confused patients are much more malleable and cooperative.... 'Um, I'm not sure. Doctor what should I do?" And then they make the decision for you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Shave or Not

Two weeks ago I completed round 3 of chemo. It’s hard to believe I have made it this far. When I started chemo back in August, October seemed sooo far away and now here it is. Fall has always been my favorite season, especially Halloween!

When I sat and listened to the chemo nurse talk back in July to find out what to expect. She said, “Denise with the drugs you will be receiving you may lose your hair." I know she meant well and was only trying to prepare me, but the comment was unexpected and I felt unnecessary. I mean is there really anyone on the planet who doesn’t understand that chemo usually equals hair loss? I managed to answer as if it would be no big deal to lose my hair. Anyway, here I am post chemo session 3 and I still have some hair on my head!

Granted, it’s not much, but there’s still some there. If you saw the Leonardo D’Caprio movie Shutter Island, I look like the creepy crazy woman with thin hair standing in the flower garden at the beginning of the movie when he arrives on the island. If you saw the movie and have had chemo, you know exactly who I’m talking about. I think there’s a message in there somewhere that if you have thin hair you are scary looking and I don’t think I like that message very much, but that’s a topic for another time.

Most chemo patients shave their heads as soon as hair loss begins or even before. It makes them feel more in control they say. I have adjusted to having almost no hair amazingly well.

I even walk around the house now without wearing anything on my head. Randy just laughs and says, “Oh, I got used to that a long time ago.” I have let my kids decide when it all goes. One is ok with it anytime, the other wants me to keep it as long as I can. I have let the second one know that it will be gone sometime before the last treatment either way.

I guess the point of all this rambling is that you can and should do what you want about shaving your head. Shave it all off early or let it fall out slowly. You decide. It’s your hair, it’s your cancer journey and it’s your decision.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I have survived half of Pinktober... Well since there are 31 days in October and this past weekend was halfway but that is a mere technicality. I have not bought a single pinked thing. The only pinked things I would consider buying are those made by individuals who are giving the money to cancer research or support. My husband on the other hand....well he goes overboard sometimes. I will not contribute to the marketing schemes of the corporate world who pink their products to increase their sales.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Day At A Time.

With last treatment October 5th, Denise has reached the half way point in her chemotherapy. There was no singing and dancing to celebrate the metaphoric "light at the end of the tunnel." Instead, she approached it just like the week before, and the week before that: get up, get on with it and move forward.

That's what you do when you have cancer. Is there a choice, really?

Denise’s hope hasn't faded, but the facade of strength has begun to show cracks. Behind her ever-present smile that seems to buoy others more than herself is a flu-like fatigue that no amount of rest seems to ease. This hits her the first few days after chemo and lasts for 4-5 days. Then comes the "The Change of Life". Hot flashes have thrown Denise’s internal thermostat off kilter. And all of the other nasty side effects seem to come without warning. It's all new here..for all of us. Yet still, there's: get up, get on with it and move forward.

We've heard it before, "That which does not destroy us makes us stronger." Some might say it's a challenge put before cancer patients as they go through treatment. The pressure to be strong is very real.

I've come to realize that Denise carries a burden to be strong, because she must, but also because we want her to be. We expect cancer patients to battle cancer as brave fighters. These words -- and I've used them repeatedly in my blog, helping to fuel this expectation -- convey the image of a strong warrior. But Denise is not a warrior. Yes, she is strong -- in more ways than one -- but when it comes to cancer, she has no choice but to be strong. As she puts it, "you do what you have to do."
There are days when falling into self-pity and despair would be much easier than fighting. But in the three months since her diagnosis, I'm not sure I could count even one day when she retreated into self-pity. This is tough stay upbeat as your body and mind tries to bring you down.

Soon, there will three treatments left, then two, then one....and Denise will move beyond all of this. Perhaps stronger, but relieved of the burden to constantly be strong.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Charles Schulz Philosophy

(This is profound! I received this from a friend this morning. Scroll thru slowly and read carefully to receive and enjoy full effect!)

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.

You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just ponder on them.
Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.

4 Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.

These are not second-rate achievers.

They are the best in their fields.

But the applause dies.

Awards tarnish.

Achievements are forgotten.

Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

Easier? The lesson:

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the
most credentials, the most money or the most awards.

They simply are the ones who care the most.

Stand up and make a difference in someones life today. I know I will.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Being A Good Copy Cat

In elementary school or when among siblings later in life, being a copycat is not a good thing and can earn you a lot of derision. But sometimes being a copycat is a good thing. When diagnosed with some nasty ailment, all we think we hear from the doctor is bad news - you will need this surgery, course of treatment, will have these side effects and should be fine in the end. We can't get past the words 'should be' and focus on the seemingly dismal survival rates. What we really want and need to hear are the good stories of the people who are still around to talk about it.

In this time of the Internet and patient education, one resource not to over look are the stories from others who are or have gone through what you have. There is nothing more positive than hearing that someone else made it through treatment and is still around many years later.

There are lots of people online in blogs, message boards, articles, and websites who are telling their stories and many more who are reading them. I don't think the majority of them started with any more intention than to keep friends and family informed which is what I did. Some of them go on to turn them into books or non profit or for profit organizations - that is not something I ever plan on doing because that would require organization and work and I've got plenty of other work thank you.

A big emotional positive when diagnosed with anything bad is to find someone with a good outcome to copy and be a copycat.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What Did We Do Wrong?

All of us lucky cancer people have one deep desire - to know how we got cancer in the first place. What caused it? What did we do right and what did we do wrong that put us staring down the barrel of the cancer cannon at the top of the really scary roller coaster hill? That is the only thing we want to know.... well maybe we want to know about the cure too but that's not quite as personal.

I mean I eat right and exercise, I like my fruit and veggies. But then we did play in the swamp behind the house, under the power lines, and god knows what kind of run off was there. We also ate ice cream, french fries, flew on airplanes, played outside in the sun without sun screen, rode in the back of pick up trucks, stayed up late, did things that seemed like a good idea at the time.

There are all sorts of theories on what is a carcinogen and what isn't. They really don't know why some people get cancer and why some don't. They have linked tobacco use to cancer but there are chain smokers who smoke 2 packs a day into their 90's and the people who don't smoke who die of lung cancer in their 30's. So apparently there are other factors coming into play here.

Do cell phones cause cancer? Well maybe, maybe not, the jury is still out on this one. I mean lots of people got cancer before there were cell phones. They say cancer may be a result of industrialization of the world in the 19th century. But people got cancer before that.

So we still don't know what we did wrong. We all just want to be able to tell other people not to do what we did.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Halfway Point

Well I finished treatment number 3 of 6 on Wednesday and feel about the same as after treatment two.... Face flushed, nothing tastes good, don't sleep well, hot one minute and cold the next (nothing new to those of you going through menopause), I can't tell when I am hungry or have to go to the bathroom, and I get physically tired pretty quickly. However, I can thank my lucky stars that I don't have the nausea, constipation or diarrhea that is normally associated with chemo. Thank you so much to my friends and family network, I think my positive attitude is a direct result of having such a great network around me.

Just Do It...Again.

The marketeers at Nike have decided that "Just Do It" isn't enough anymore. Now we have to "Just do it...then do it again." For Denise and her chemo treatments, it's again...and again...and again...for a total of 6 treatments over 5 1/2 months. Wednesday marked only treatment #3 of the potent chemo cocktail.

So far, she's tolerated the Chemo drugs better than expected. And believe it or not, she's still smiling...and maintaining a busy schedule between working and gladly welcoming a steady stream of her friends and family.

Because the chemo drugs have a cumulative effect, the toxins are building up in her body, which means she's almost certain to experience greater fatigue and face the onset of new side effects. During the first couple weeks of treatment we anxiously and nervously maintained a 24 hour side effect watch. No more. Some side effects are now more predictable: mouth sores, some nausea, fatigue. We remain thankful for every good day Denise has and for the strength to get through the difficult days.

After treatment #2, Denise faced the loss of her hair head on.. (pun intended). And for the past two weeks the remaining tiny splinters of hair that held on are thinning quickly. Though she's found comfort in a colorful variety of hats and scarves ("The Sandra" wig still sits in the box it came in), she may soon boldly leave the house some morning topless (on her head, that is). My point is this, the "journey" continues on a path of hairpin turns and steep hills, but we're still moving forward and the wheels haven't come off....yet!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chemo Brain

I have turned dumb....pretty dumb.

Somebody explained it to me. It's called "chemo brain." Happy to know it's not just me. I knew there would be nausea, sickness, pain, etc. but I did not know I'd get dumb. Chemo brain is a general foggy, fuzzy brain that can't seem to think right. I do not retain information like before. Difficulty with organization. I often cannot think of a word I need to say so something random comes out instead. I forget a lot. I never get my kid's names straight. I have trouble remembering past experiences. I've had my issues before for I know I'm not the brightest bunch in the group (don't get me started on that Geography stuff) but this is really different and it is strange. We just laugh about it. Oh well, at least I've still got my health....Oh yeah, well at least I still have my good looks....Okay... that may be debatable--in fact I just had to ask my husband how to spell debatable. Yeah, I can't spell anymore either. Chemo brain at work. Oh well, I know I got something...I just can't make my brain think of what it is right now.:)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Beta Blockers And Breast Cancer

Women who take beta-blockers for high blood pressure and are diagnosed with breast cancer may have better outcomes than women who do not take beta-blockers, according to findings from two recent studies. Results from both studies were recently published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Beta-blockers are a class of drugs used to treat heart conditions and high blood pressure. Studies have indicated that beta-blockers may help control growth and spread of breast cancer, possibly due to their ability to control stress hormones. Two current studies have further investigated this association.

One study, conducted by researchers from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, reviewed 1,413 patients with breast cancer who had been treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy prior to surgery) between 1995 and 2007. Outcomes including complete response, relapse-free survival, and overall survival of those taking beta-blockers were compared with outcomes of those not taking beta-blockers.

Of the participants, 102 used beta-blockers. Rates of complete response among those using beta-blockers were not significantly different from complete response rates among non beta-blocker users. Beta-blockers use, however, was associated with significantly better relapse-free survival when the researchers accounted for age, race, disease stage and grade, receptor status, lymph node involvement, and other factors affecting disease outcome. Overall survival was not significantly improved among beta-blocker users. Patients diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer who took beta-blockers had improved relapse-free survival but, like other patients, not significantly improved overall survival.

Another study of beta-blockers and breast cancer survival was conducted by researchers from Ireland. Women diagnosed with Stage I to IV breast cancer between 2001 and 2006 were identified in a national cancer registry. Women who took beta-blockers in the year before they were diagnosed were matched and compared with women not taking beta-blockers. Two types of beta-blockers with different mechanisms were evaluated, propranolol and atenolol. The researchers assessed risk of tumor progression and spread and time to death from cancer.

Patients who used the beta-blocker propranolol had a significantly lower rate of death from breast cancer than their counterparts who didn’t used beta-blockers (9% versus 22%, respectively). Atenolol, however, was not associated with any improved outcomes.

These two studies suggest that beta-blockers could possibly improve outcomes among women with breast cancer, including those with difficult-to-treat triple-negative disease. However, it is far too early and beta blocker use should not be administered to women with breast cancer at this time until further research is done.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Digging Through The Layer Of Pink

I just got back from a weekend away and sat down to read the Sunday paper. The paper was fine. Even interesting. It has the latest news (as of last night) which is fine by me. I feel caught up and educated after being out of touch.

Silly me, after going through the paper, I decided to see what coupons and sales ads were available. That was a mistake. Everything was pinkified. I could bake, do laundry, eat cereal, bread, drink juice and I can't even remember all the rest for the cure. Oops! I can't say anything is 'for the cure' because it has been trademarked by the Komen marketing machine. But you get my point. It is pinkified. Life is pinkified.

I own a few of pink items - including a pink (official MLB gear) Twins hat. But sometimes I feel this pinkification goes a bit too far. I think it throws a layer of paint or ink on a not so fun ailment. But cancer is not about pink or paint or shopping with the politically correct color to send $1.00 of every $10 you spend to find a cure/more research or whatever. Cancer is about people who are living and coping with it. Cancer is not about pink.

Anyway, I will dig my way through a layer of pink this month and see what I can do for the cure at the grocery store.