Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chemo Brain

I have turned dumb....pretty dumb.

Somebody explained it to me. It's called "chemo brain." Happy to know it's not just me. I knew there would be nausea, sickness, pain, etc. but I did not know I'd get dumb. Chemo brain is a general foggy, fuzzy brain that can't seem to think right. I do not retain information like before. Difficulty with organization. I often cannot think of a word I need to say so something random comes out instead. I forget a lot. I never get my kid's names straight. I have trouble remembering past experiences. I've had my issues before for I know I'm not the brightest bunch in the group (don't get me started on that Geography stuff) but this is really different and it is strange. We just laugh about it. Oh well, at least I've still got my health....Oh yeah, well at least I still have my good looks....Okay... that may be debatable--in fact I just had to ask my husband how to spell debatable. Yeah, I can't spell anymore either. Chemo brain at work. Oh well, I know I got something...I just can't make my brain think of what it is right now.:)

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