Thursday, October 27, 2011

Only 2 Chemo Treatments Left!!!

Well, I have 4 chemo treatments behind me and only two left. I am feeling fine today although it does take me a little longer to accomplish things already. This usually starts on Saturday after treatment so I think it is hitting me a little earlier with each treatment.

The kids decided it was time to get rid of what is left of my hair so I had it all cut off today. The stylist said I have a nice shaped head, who knew! I also went to the dentist and had my temporary crown put on my front tooth. I should have the permanent one in about two weeks.

Food doesn't taste good and I don't know when I am hungry. Not much different than the last 3 treatments. I am ready to take it easy this weekend. Maybe a movie and of course the Viking game on Sunday. It really is nice to PLAN to take it easy. I realize I don't do that enough!!

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