Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chemo: 2nd Round In The Books !

Today was my 2nd Chemo treatment. Earlier this week I was anxious in anticipation for today knowing full well what is coming. I have felt so good these past few days that I feel sad to lose that and nervous for what may hit. However, today, I have felt calm. My neighbor Lori again drove me and when she came back to pick me up, she came a little early to support me during the end of the chemo. I went in at 9:30am, waited for a bit, got my port hooked up, then saw Dr. Lassi. She is really wonderful. Everything looks fine and on track. She really put some of my concerns to rest, reminding me that everyone reacts differently to chemo and are on different chemo meds so it is difficult to make specific comparisons. After meeting with her, they hooked me up. The medication round is, first, Herceptin, then two anti-nausea drugs, then usually Benadryl which helps counter any allergic reactions to the chemo drugs, but today I felt good enough to pass on this option. This drug always knocks me out and makes me feel woosey. I no likey. Then the Taxotere chemo med starts followed by Carboplatinum. Each one takes a certain amount of time to complete. The whole appointment time lasted 4.5 hours but the actual chemo treatment was about 3 hours. Better than last time. Turned out to be a much better experience than my first chemo. Almost as enjoyable as chemo could be! :) We drove home feeling good and calm, that everything would be fine. I can tackle this, at least I will try to be brave.

1 comment:

  1. only 4 left!!! you can do this. You are very strong and brave. The little engine that could, you always find a way. love you Teresa
