Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog?...that is the question.

I thought for days about whether to blog about Denise's cancer "journey". It would be a first for me -- the blogging, and Denise's cancer, of course. I'm on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, but rarely "update" there. What would I say anyway? Do I really want everyone to know what's going on in my life? Each day? Each hour? Do they even care? Why would they care?

But this is different. Living with and fighting breast cancer is pretty important. People do care. Denise's family and friends care. So, by blogging about it I might be able to accomplish several things: 1) Keep our friends and family abreast (pun intended) on Denise's "journey". (I can't get used to using the word "journey"...it's just weird, but saying "cancer" isn't exactly easy either); 2) build awareness along the way --- girls, remember to "feel your boobies"; and 3) hopefully, share some funny stories, of which Denise and my family will provide an endless supply.

I struggled with a name for the blog. Maybe this would be a lot more interesting if I just titled it, "My Life with Denise." The stories would be so much more interesting and funny. Some stories might even be as scary. "My Wife with Cancer"?? Boring and depressing? Perhaps. But "My Life with Denise" sort of misses the point.

Daughter Samantha will need to be reminded that this is my blog. She's a born editor and a writer, so she'll want editing rights. But she'll have to settle with the rights to strike posts that talk too much about bodily functions (I did say that this blog would include "the good, the bad and the ugly", didn't I? After all, this is cancer. Cancer is ugly. Trust me, we're going to see and hear about the "ugly").

I'm not sure how this blog will evolve, or whether it will evolve at all. I can't tell you what it is, but I can tell you what it isn't:

-- It's not a blow-by-blow account of every up and down of this "journey."

-- It's not a woe-is-me/us drama (everyone has a cross to bear at some point; this is ours).

-- It's not a breast cancer crusade (though if it helps bring more attention, great).

-- It might not always be medically accurate (I'm not a doctor and this is complicated stuff).

-- It's not all about Denise (what?!?!). OK...mostly about Denise.

I have no idea where this will go or whether I will even stick it out (the blogging that is...Denise and the cancer are locked in for the duration). You're welcome to tune in or tune out. It's your choice.


  1. i think this blog is a wonderful idea. it's very well done and a great way to keep us all informed of your journey. sending positive energy your family's way!!


  2. My thoughts exactly! Thank you for allowing us to be with you on your journey. Thinking of you!

