Friday, August 12, 2011

Chemo Cocktail Conehead....The 3 C's

Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin are the medications that make up the TCH Chemotherapy regimen. In patients with HER2+ which I have, the preferred chemotherapy combinations with Herceptin (trastuzumab) are:
Taxotere with or without carboplatin. I’ll blog about these specific drugs later.

Basically I must get poison put into my bloodstream so I can be absolutely sure all of the cancer is gone, in other words, a precaution. The very thought of chemo makes me nauseous, it makes my heart race, it makes me shake in fear. I am just certain that I will be the 1 in whatever statistic that has a severe allergic reaction, I cannot calm that fear or make it go away. All I can do is cross my fingers and pray that everything goes good on August 24th (my first chemo). I am fortunate to work with the best oncology nurses and doctors around here but they can only calm your fears so much. I know in my heart that all will be ok, I am just not really looking forward to being sick, or losing my hair. But hey, If I should lose my hair , It would happen sometime in October, which clearly means that I am going to have the BEST Halloween costume and not have to spend any money. What is more frightening for a child to see than a lady handing out candy with no hair, a port, and missing boobs?

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