Sunday, August 28, 2011

Honey, "Did You Poop Today?"

This is another installment in my 18 part series, "Chemotherapy Side Effects".

My family is generally reserved when discussing the "C" word. No, not cancer but constipation. Chemotherapy can cause many side effects, one of which may be constipation and the other is diarrhea (but you can't have both, am I right?). The chemo drugs and some anti-nausea medications Denise takes can slow muscle contractions that move solids and fluids through her digestive tract. The longer your food remains in your digestive tract, the drier it becomes. Eventually, your stool can become dry and rather stiff, moving slowly on its way through your intestines.

A diagnosis of cancer is no laughing matter of course. But many people, including our family, who go through a cancer diagnosis and treatment find humor to be essential in dealing with the often awkward and painful situations that can arise. One of those awkward moments is discussing bodily fluids. Lately, One question I may ask Denise during the course of the day is, "how are you feeling" or "have you pooped today". When expecting certain side effects, a person taking chemotherapy doesn't have to be alarmed by consequenes or outcomes caused by those type of issues. A healthy attitude and positive frame of mind, which may include some humor surrounding the side effects, will help the treatment to be more successful.

As a family we generally discourage Denise's passing of gas, but now we seem to be cheering at a moments' notice, knowing she may get some relief.

We were told Denise's Chemo drugs would cause severe diarrhea. So, we stocked up for that. But now we seem to be more concerned with the opposite problem. We will have to restock and add to our medicine cabinet: Enemas, suppositories, laxatives, stool softeners, bran flakes and Fiber Choice!

We have already taken other precautions to avoid the dark side of this particular side effect such as importing our "special" New York water, daily exercise regimens and plenty of fiber.

We are willing to take suggestions any of you may have for dealing with this issue.

As my daughter often tells us TMI (whatever that means) but, hopefully it all helps. Day 5 of 128 and mood is neutral.

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