Thursday, August 4, 2011

What to Blog About......

Sometimes I think I have nothing to say in my blog. Do I repeat myself? Am I boring all you readers? It could be like Seinfeld - about nothing. Hmmm...

Well let’s see, yesterday was so exciting. I did my exercises to regain arm mobility twice (like a good girl), I have been sleeping until 830 (very late for me), my sister is here, so we sat on the deck for a while and she  weeded my garden for me and then we went to try out some wheat grass juice. I think Roxanne may like it! Of course the ice cream store was next door so we had to sample their double fudge chocolate as well. Just a little indulgence needed after the healthy snack.

See, having cancer isn't interesting! It can be really boring just like real life. Nothing new. No Dr apt until Tomorrow.  My incision and crevasse (what else would you call it?) where my drains are located are starting to Itch!!!!!! Grrrr..... I know it means they are healing but I can't itch them, Grr, grr, grr.

Life goes on.


  1. Okay your blog is for sure not boring, we all want to hear how well your doing. I'm happy to hear your doing your exercises like a good girl (but then you've always been a good girl). Can I borrow Roxanne to weed my garden??? lol
    love ya

  2. I've been a blogger for nearly five years and having nothing to write abut never stopped me. Just cut up your life in bits and pieces and then write a bit and piece every day. And if you really get despirate, post a link to a photo, story or video. I'm glad to see things are going good for you.
